Department of information science and informatics

Goldmine of Knowledge and Innovation


Dr. Lamek Rono

Head of Department

HOD's Message

Welcome to the Department of Information Science and Informatics.  The main aim of our department is to  provide a holistic teaching and learning  in the domains of Informatics, Information science and Health Systems and Records management in quest of churning out  professionals of international quality. We therefore welcome you, to explore our department for the aforementioned exciting academic  career programs that will sculpture you to be a fully-fledged Informaticist, information scientist and health informatics graduate.

Purpose to become an integral part of this highly competitive and futuristic disciplines by enrolling for one of our exciting degree programmes. Become an informaticist, information specialist, knowledge manager and  health Informaticist.

We have dedicated staff who are also very active researchers publishing widely in international and locally accredited peer reviewed journals hence keeping abreast with new developments in their respective  specialised fields of study.


Mission and vision


A school that fosters Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio- Economic development.


To develop critical awareness of the rise of network society and the enormous influence information technologies have on consumer culture and emerging knowledge economy.


  • To re-skill students for present day information economy.
  • To bring awareness of the rising intricacies of networked society.
  • To acquire practical skills in computer networking and digital communication.
  • To acquaint the students with principles of management of information systems and services.
Contact Us

Got something to say or enquire,please contact us


P.O BOX 103-40404

Email & Phone
